More PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit photos

Since the first lot of PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit photos went down so well. Here are some more!! 😀

PBK Team Long Sleeve SkinsuitPBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit
PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit

Want to buy one for yourself? Then check out

5 Replies to “More PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit photos”

  1. G, you’ve sold that to me! Will have to get one soon! Well, after I have paid for the £416 of stuff I have also just bought.

    1. So what nice things have you been buying then? Other than the new pedels which I have seen the photo of, on twitter.

      1. Umm… Altura Jacket for night time cycling, a new high-power front light [equivalent to airport landing light], some new bike tools to replace some rusted and damaged ones and a work stand.

          1. Oh yes. Might get another one the same. No excuse that they can’t see me now! Front light only has a run time of 90 mins on full power and takes five hours to charge!

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