Another great cycle with Nick! This time 50 miles!

That was yet another great cycle with Nick, this time we did 50.37 miles (or 51.28 miles), if you go by his Strava. Nick uses it on his phone, so it also records while he walks around! Where has, I use a Garmin GPS on my bike.

Still can’t believe that we did 90.89 over two days! Making it the most miles, I’ve done in two days, in a long time! It also makes it the most miles, Nick’s ever done in two days!

We’re both ready planning out next lot of cycles together, but they will have to wail till next year… Hoping to aim for 60+ miles in a single cycle! Who knows maybe even 100+ miles!! We will just have to wait and see, what happens!!

You can check out the route at

The full set of these photos can be found at

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