Tag: Rich

Rutland Water and birthday dinner with a mate

It’s been another fun fill day.  Got around of bed around 11:00am, showed then sorted out going a cycle around Rutland Water with my mate Rich. It also happens to be his birthday, so happy birthday Rich. I set off my by house to Rutland at around 12:10pm and get to Rutland Water around 1pm, where Rich was waiting for me. He always drivers there since he lives in Peterborough, I cycle there to get my cycling miles up, it also saves me money on fuel. It was great cycle, we both got covered head-to-toe in mud. So did this dog, who also come with me. She did very well to do the whole 15+ miles with us.

The cycle took me 3:30.37 (h:m:s) which is not the best time in the world, could not go very fast doing the Rutland Water section, due to having the dog with us.  The distance was 38.11 miles, making it the longest cycle of the year. Just beating the one, I did on Valentine’s Day.

Once I got back home, I had a quick bite to eat. And another wash. Then I set off in to Peterborough to meet up with Rich and some of his mates for his birthday meal. We went to East, which is a Oriental restaurant. The food and service were both great. I so would go there again. Everyone had a great time. It was also great to get to see my wife 🙂

Oh and one more thing before I go, my motorcycle helmet turned up, I will get photos of me wearing it this weekend at some point 🙂

Just set another personal best…

Yesterday I just set another best on the bike, just done the most miles I have ever done in any February, well since 2003. Then I started to keep a full record of how many miles I am doing.  So far I have done 127.9 miles, beating my record that I set in 2009. I also have done the longest cycle of the end so far… I did 38.03 miles, in other words more miles in one day, than I did in the whole of February last year.

The cycle was to Rutland Water, were I meet up with a good mate called Rich, then we both cycled around it. Then after I cycled back home. Calling in a nice pub on the way back with Rich, who drove there.

So I am also well on the way to doing 1,00 miles, which I have to do by mid-April. Done 483.5, so leaving 516.5 more to go…


Sunday – 7th November 2010

I went a fun cycle with my friends Ashley and Rich. We cycled from Peterborough to Huntingdon covering a distance of 46.35 miles. The cycle took us 3:31:52 (h:m:s). It was great fun, makes a change getting to cycle with people, since most times I cycle by myself.