New Lycra: Castelli Presto Due Bib Shorts 2013

Castelli Presto Due Bib Shorts 2013I have ordered myself some new white Lycra shorts! I better say, I did order them, before I found out, how much my car, was going to cost to get fixed!

But I love white Lycra, so I don’t mind! They set me back £48, full list price is £80. So a saving of 40%.

Can’t wait to get them! And of course do many photos and vlogs wearing them :).

Happy days! Got the Internet back!!

At least one good thing has happened today! After my car costing so much to get fixed! I now have the Internet back!! Not had a working phone line or Internet in the new house, till today that is!

We have moved from Demon Internet to BT Internet. Mainly so when the village gets superfast broadband, due next year. We’re ready for it! Since Demon only does ADSL. Also means I can watch BT Sport at long last!

Car just cost £492.62 to get fixed!!!

Many of you will know, that I should have got to Scotland by now!! I was due to drive up on Sunday. But on Friday night on the way back from work, my car started to make a hell of a noise. So I took it to the local garage Saturday morning.

They took one look at it and said looks like one of the brake calipers have gone. They put it up on the ramps and trying to spin the back wheel and it just stopped!! So they told me, it was best not to drive it!

Just a new caliper cost £209! Then it needed a new break disc and pads. Then add labour to that. It came to a total of £492.62!

At least my car is back on the road. So I can now set off to Scotland in the morning. Some 48 hours later, then I was first hoping…