Tag: geocache

Now found 400 geocaches!

That’s me now found 400 geocaches. I’ve found 136 of them this year alone! Making it most I’ve ever found in a single year. My previous record was 109 finds, back in 2016.

Here is a yearly breakdown:-

  • 2008: 9 – 0.0625 caches/day.
  • 2009: 4 – 0.011 caches/day.
  • 2010: 19 – 0.0521 caches/day.
  • 2011: 79 – 0.2164 caches/day.
  • 2012: 44 – 0.1202 caches/day.
  • 2013: 1 – 0.0027 caches/day.
  • 2014: 0 – 0 caches/day.
  • 2015: 1 – 0.0027 caches/day.
  • 2016: 109 – 0.2978 caches/day.
  • 2017: 0 – 0 caches/day.
  • 2018: 0 – 0 caches/day.
  • 2019: 136 – 0.9577 caches/day.

I’ve now found 366 geocaches!

That’s me now found 366 geocaches, since 2008. So far this month alone, I’ve found 100! Making it, my most ever finds so far in a single month!

Still more, than sure I can make it up to 600 finds, before the year, is out!

Geocaching around Morkery Wood

That was a great afternoon cycling around Morkery Wood and doing some Geocaching at the same time! I found another 13, which takes my total up to, 355 since 2008! Should find at least 500 to 600 before the years is out!

You can check out the route, I took over at strava.com/activities/2318271663

adidas Team GB 2016 replica kit
adidas Team GB 2016 replica kit

I’ve now found 300 geocaches!

That’s me now found 300 geocaches! In just the last week alone, I’ve found 35 of them! Just hope, I can keep find them! But knows maybe, that double total up to 600!

Never done Geocaching before? Then do check out www.geocaching, to play all you need is a mobile phone or a GPS.

You will cycle, drive or walk past so many every day and not even know it!

Another fun afternoon Geocaching!

Well that was another fun afternoon Geocaching, while out cycling! I found 7, which takes my total up to 291 finds!

I also covered a distance of 20.11 miles, during the Geocaching.

Check out the route, I took over at www.strava.com/activities/2284234379.

Getting back into Geocaching!

Red telephone box at EdmondthorpeI need to thank, Cooper, yes Cooper my dog for getting me back into Geocaching.

He went looking for water, so I followed him, to see, what water he had found and in the process found a geocache. Which lead to me installing the app on my phone, then finding another two geocaches during the walk!

So once, back from walk him. I of course, had to go out cycling. Which in turn, lead me on to find another 16 of them.

Looking at the Geocaching website. Turns out, it’s the first ones, I’ve found once 2016! Going by today, think I’ve got the bug again!

Oh and I even found a new red telephone box, while out cycling! Oh OK, not new, but you get what, I mean!