3 Replies to “Watch this…”

  1. Dit is niet normaal. ik vind dit een zeer inspirerend filmpje. en zal zeker dit ook aan vrienden laten zien. want er wordt op deze wereld al te veel kinderen gepest door kinderen!. ik heb zoveel respect voor hem. en dat hij het durft.

    En waarom zie ik ook een deel van mij zelf in dit verhaal. ik werdt ook gepest vanaf me 1ste jaar op school tot de laaste jaren. en dan nog maar durfen vertellen bijvoorbeeld dat je homo bent.

    Dit MOET stoppen!


    This is not normal. I think this is a very inspiring movie. and certainly this will also show to friends. because there is in this world too many children bullied by children!. I have much respect for him. and he dares.

    And why I see some of myself in this story. I wast also bullied at school since my first year to the last year. and then only dare say for example that you’re gay.

    It MUST stop!

  2. Until the subject of LGBT lifestyles are introduced in schools, we will continue to see this kid of sad thing. Things need to change and change NOW…

    I wish these ministers would stop dancing round the issue and just get some form of protection in place for kids in school identifying themselves as LGBT…

    Its sad indeed, this little guy is going through this… with no-one he can talk to.

    Stay strong guys!

  3. Yes, this made me feel very upset. I just wish there was something I could do to help him. I was bullied at school because I was seen to be different. I now teach at a college of further education and have worked with students who self harm for all sorts of reasons. The college has a policy of zero tolerance when it comes to bullying – but I’m sorry to say that I have seen instances of it. Students have even attempted to bully and belittle a gay member of staff. LGBT lifestyles should be part of every youngster’s education. They are just as valid and meaningful as heterosexual relationships.
    I hope this young guy wins through. He is entitled to be himself – whatever other people may say. It’s very depressing to think that there are still bigots out there.

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