Thanks for all the birthday messages

I would like to say thanks to everyone that sent me birthday messages. I got so many of them on here, facebook and twitter :). So makes up for only getting one birthday card this year :(. Still to get one from my Mum and Dad, there is a reason why I have not got it. Since I am going up to Scotland on Sunday, I am having second birthday with them :).

So what did I do on my big day? I did nothing at all. Just the way I like it. Some friends did want to me to out for a meal, but I said no. Just was not really in the mood for doing anything for it. But I did get out a nice short 27 mile bike ride to make the most of the great weather we’re having right now in the UK. It does not feel like late September at all.

3 Replies to “Thanks for all the birthday messages”

    1. I did not mind only getting one card. Also the card I got from my Mum and Dad today, made up for that big time! Also I got lots and lots of birthday messages on here, facebook and twitter.

      1. Ahh, thats great then! I did see that post you made… would have thought you’d have got one from yer work mates… but, I guess they sent you messages on FB…

        Enjoy the rest of yer holiday!

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