Tuesday – 15th July 2003

I spend a number of hours in the back garden. We cut down a very, very big bush. I can’t believe now much better the place looks now it has been taking out. It also means that I am going to have great fun, burning it all, in next number of days.

Once I had done doing the gardening and had time to cool down a bit, I went a cycle to Stamford. I have now done over 980 miles on my cycle computer. So it looks like a will hit the 1000 mile mark, before going to Scotland next week.

Once I got back from Stamford, I made a quick meal, before going to work at the dogs. Lucky they have got all the problems sorted out with the tills. It was a bit of a boring nite, because not mainly people were in. But I know that Wednesday night, will more then make up for it.

When I got back from work I spoke to Matthew on-line for a while before going to bed. I could not believe just now hot my room was. Luckily I got to sleep in the end.