Tag: Garmin Connect

2025 Walking Stage 1 Badge – Garmin Connect

That’s me just got the Garmin Connect – 2025 Walking Stage 1 Badge! Where you have to record 91 miles of walking activities from 1st January to 31st March 2025.

Check out my profile at connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/gsvalentine

January Weekend Walking 2025 Badge – Garmin Connect

That’s me just got the Garmin Connect – January Weekend Walking Badge! Where you have to do 3 mile walk during the weekend starting Friday 10th to Sunday 12th of January 2025.

Check out my profile at connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/gsvalentine

Most steps in a week now stands at 222,088

That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve now set a new most steps in a week.

The new total stands at 222,088, for the week from the 17 April to 23 April 2023.

10K a Day Challenge – 5th month in a row!!

So pleased with myself, just got the 10K a Day Challenge for the 5th month in a row (6th time overall). It’s harder to get than it sounds. Since you have to do at least 10K steps every day for 30 days in a row! Do less than 10K steps one day, you are back to the start!

10K a Day Challenge – 4th month in a row!!

So pleased with myself, just got the 10K a Day Challenge for the 4th month in a row (5th time overall). It’s harder to get than it sounds. Since you have to do at least 10K steps every day for 30 days in a row! Do less than 10K steps one start, you are back to the start!

Most steps in a day now stands at 42,853

That’s me just set a new personal record on Garmin Connect. My most steps in a day, now stands 42,853. Up from 42,123, that I set back in 2018!

All thanks to walking around Rutland Water, with Emilie and three shorter walks with Cooper.

Most steps in a week now stands at 192,593

That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve now set a new most steps in a week.

The new total stands at 192,593, for the week from the 15 June to 21 June 2020.