Tag: Edinburgh Waverley railways station

LNER Class 800 Azuma 800106 at Edinburgh Waverley

LNER Class 800 Azuma 800106 at Edinburgh Waverley, which also happened to be my ride between Peterborough to Edinburgh Waverley, which went via Newcastle and Carlisle. Which is, the first first time, I’ve ever done that route! About 99.9% of the time, they go straight up the ECML.

Also it was my longest journey, I’ve done on one of them! Got to say, I love the extra leg room! Also, I for one, do love the seats!

LNER Class 800 Azuma 800106 at Edinburgh Waverley

LNER Class 800 Azuma 800106 at Edinburgh Waverley

LNER Class 800 Azuma 800106 at Edinburgh Waverley

More Class 800 photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/trains/class-800/