Tag: Carmen Squillante

Sunday – 14th February 2010

First of all happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Oh and did I get a single Valentine’s Day card of course, not!! Then that’s nothing new at all. Even when I was with my last BF I next to never got them. It would have been nice to have got at least one. Maybe next year then.

So then on to what I have been doing today, which is not that much at all really. After giving my End to End cycle website a big update last weekend. I made up my mind, to give another one of my website’s a big update. This time I updated Carmen Squillante’s website (website no longer on-line), she is a book author that I did a website for a good number of years ago. The main reason I updated the website and redid it with WordPress, is so she can now login and do updates herself.

Other than that I did not really do much at all today, other then watch four episodes of Party of Five, on CBS Drama on my Freesat+ HD box.