Day 4 of the ‘lockdown’

Well that’s day 4 of the UK lockdown’ just about over! Starting to get use to being indoors most of day! Trying to keep myself busy, with small jobs every day.

Highlights from today…

  • Cleaned the windows
  • Upgraded php on some of my websites (Thanks Alex, for the help!)
  • Took Cooper a 4 mile walk!
  • Give theBythams website a new look
  • Found my house mates GoPro, that we lost when we moved, around 2 years ago

Tomorrows goals…

  • Do more work to theBythams website, please do check it out!
  • Give Cooper another 4 mile walk
  • If you can think of anything else to do! Comment below…

2 Replies to “Day 4 of the ‘lockdown’”

  1. Thats the spirit. Small things equal joyful things. Hearing your favourite sing on the radio, or getting something in the post. For the first time in ages, I’ve actually cooked myself breakfast on a weekend, and have prepared something for lunch. Also sorting out the spare room, tidying up piles of letters and magazines I’d just left next to the computer under the ‘do it tomorrow’ plan!

    We’ll get through this, then when we return to some sense of normality, look back and think what was all the fuss about.

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