That sure was a great cycle! Did 62.43 miles, so making it the second longest cycle of the year so far! It could well be my favourite cycle, of 2018! Since I cycled along part of the Grantham Canal. Then stopped off at Bottesford, to get some food, and also check out it’s railway station!
Then it was off to Elton and Orston railway station, which is one of the least used stations in the UK. It only gets two services a day. One to Nottingham at 6:25am and other service to Skegness at 5.10pm. There is no Sunday service. A normal service operates on most bank holidays.
Then it was back home passing Belvoir Castle! So over all, a great cycle!!
You can check out the route, I took over at
I really do need to explore these parts, looks so nice, and fair roads/gradients too. Plus good to see you in all your finery and with a smile. x
Wow , nearly 62 1/2 miles , no wonder you are having a little lay down on that bench , your poor little legs must have been worn out