Zone3 Vision wetsuit @ Stainmore Summit

I’ve used this location before… It’s a old Second World War Pillbox, which is close to the highish point of the A66, at Stainmore Summit. Lasted time, I used it for doing Amazing Spiderman 2 Morphsuit photos. This time for doing Zone3 Vision wetsuit photos! πŸ˜›

Zone3 Vision wetsuitZone3 Vision wetsuitZone3 Vision wetsuit
Zone3 Vision wetsuitZone3 Vision wetsuitZone3 Vision wetsuit

3 Replies to “Zone3 Vision wetsuit @ Stainmore Summit”

  1. I enjoy viewing your photos wearing this extremely hot wet suit, hot because you wear it so well as it wears you. I love wearing my neoprene gear and the feel I get wearing it. Hopefully you get the same feel. Thank you for your continuing to treat your followers to your posts and pics and continued successes to you young sir/

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