Peterborough Greyhounds : Walt Disney theme for CIN

Every year at the Peterborough Greyhounds we dress up for Children In Need. This year we are doing a Walt Disney theme. So anyone got any ideas for what I could wear??

Below are some photos from previous years.

Children In Need 2006

Children In Need 2008

Children In Need 2009

Children In Need 2011

4 Replies to “Peterborough Greyhounds : Walt Disney theme for CIN”

  1. Gordn I suggest you wear your RSP cycle leathers and bike helmet and go as a character from the Disney movie Tron. It would give you a character to dress as and not be a cartoon character, and give you the chance to wear your gear out in a public area. I can’t express hot amazing and hot that would be !!

  2. okey dokey, tarzan? hercules?, robin hood, you would look good with a jaunty cap and a pair of green, jimmy cricket? wear a wetsuit and go as the little

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