February 2012 cycling statistics

Here are my cycling statistics for February. Did not do, as many miles has I was hoping due to snow. But still I have done the most miles I have ever done in any February and set a new record for the longest cycle in February.

So far my yearly stands at 708.4 miles. Total miles since April 2003 is now at 22,314.5.

Here is the data from February 2012:-

  • Total cycles: 11.
  • Total Distance: 307.39 miles.
  • Total Time: 24:40:32 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 12.5 mph.
  • Max Time: 3:27:16 (h:m:s).
  • Max Speed: 31.5 mph.
  • Avg Distance: 27.94 miles.
  • Max Distance: 44.28 miles.

Data from: Garmin Connect.

Here are my favourite cycling photos from the month

Winter cycling gearOut cyclingOut cyclingOut cycling

4 Replies to “February 2012 cycling statistics”

  1. That’s amazing! I was way out with my maths. An incredible feat of determination. My favourite photo is the second from the right – although the others are great too! πŸ™‚

  2. Congrats G… I managed to end February with 266.81 miles… bringing the total since January 1st to 439.70 miles.

  3. ppft is that all ? got alot of catching up to do till your on par with me, ive done a staggering … emmm . . . plus that cycle makes it … emm … 0 miles πŸ˜€ go manic πŸ˜€ hehes

    Dont half envy your! wish i had your determination.

    wonder if you can beat it next month πŸ˜‰

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