That’s my villages new look website now LIVE!!

That’s my villages new look website now LIVE!! Which I did a bit about on my blog a number of days ago. Still got lots of pages to add from the old website. But it’s fast getting there. So please check it out and let me know what you think of it here! 🙂

The only another two other things I did today, was to do my weekly food shopping at Morrisons and give my car a much needed car. Think all I ended up doing was moving the mud off him and onto myself.

Chatting about my new website

Here is the vlog that I spoke about in my shortest ever vlog. In this one vlog I am chatting about all the work I have done to since website in last last of weeks. Reminding everyone that I am on facebook and twitter. Also about some gay films that I would recommend everyone to see.